Been going to wal-mart for over 15+ years love the store for the convenience factor the outstanding customer service and price. But my last visit was nothing like that at all. I recently moved into my house June 1st and that day I left work 3 hours early so me and my wife can shop for our new house. We spent 2 hours walking up almost every single aisle to make sure we need to buy what we need from food to cleaning supplies, a vacuum so on and so on. Soon as we proceed to check out the lady (Melissa) who was working behind the register had an uneasy look on her face. My wife put small trash cans on the conveyor belt for her to scan and her the first the she said was "you don't have to put that there, we stayed silent making an assumption she may have had a long day. As she comes around from the register to scan the vacuum she could not find the bar code so I politely tried to flip it upside down because i remembered where it was prior i did a price check and again with her rude attitude she said "you don't have to do that you don't have to do that" and I said I'm sorry to try to kill it with kindness because I now saw it in her face she was just frustrated or something maybe is wrong with her. As she continued to scan the smaller items I asked my wife NOT THE CASHIER "do you want the protection plan cause we always buy it for products like that, AGAIN with her attitude she butts into our conversation and replies "its right there on the screen did you not see it ?!?!" now my wife could not hold back her words and says "mam we are just trying purchase what we need to purchase there is no need to be rude" and she mumbled under her breath "she can take that shit somewhere else". That response sealed the deal for us we were so angry and upset with the whole situation we just walked out. As we walked out we did not even want to speak to a manager cause we could not stand the site of her and her attitude. We then called the manager and explained what happened and they simply said "Oh sorry that happened", I called back and talked to someone from the electronics department and left my phone number and name and asked to be contacted back, never heard from anyone since. That is unacceptable, I am in the hospitality industry and customer service is what we are about and I just went to a wal-mart in Texas a few days ago and had no problem. I'm not the type to make complaints but that situation just did not sit right with me because I took time out of my day expecting to get everything I needed, spent 2 hours going up and down almost every aisle with 600-700$ worth of goods and walked out with nothing. Whats makes this worse for me is i live 10 minutes from this wal-mart expecting it to be my normal place to shop for my grocery and other products. Since that situation I have not returned there and do not plan on because of that experience. Please hire people who care because growing up I loved going there because the people were nice and its convenient.