| - Just A-OK.
We actually came to Wooche as a last resort for dinner IF Tofu Hut was not busy. And it was. The only reason I agreed to go to an AYCE Korean BBQ is because Justin A. was craving for some meat. So since Tofu Hut (his favorite ayce bbq) WAS busy, I remembered hearing about Wooche through yelp so we decided to go. Funny thing too is that there were these two other guys at Tofu Hut waiting and they overheard us talking about Wooche and asked questions like where is it at? how much? is it good? Told them we can all find out. Not saying they joined us to eat, but they ended up going too.
I agree with Misty Y. regarding Wooche looking like a cafeteria inside. Its an actual buffet style where you grab your own food. They have a separate section with 4 different types of soups, the meat section of course, vegetables, "desserts" - why I quote this is because there so-called desserts they had out did NOT look like desserts...weird jelloy thing? I couldn't tell you what the name was since there were no labels. Also, there's a fast food section, which kind of threw me off. Anyway, I only chose a few things here and there from the veggie and noodle section due to the lack of appeal and freshness. Who knows how long the food has been sitting there. Another thing, majority of the trays were halfway gone and no one bothered to even check or replenish them. Old leftovers, no thanks.
The soups weren't even hot. Tasted bland too me. The meats were good. I liked the thin slices of beef, chicken, and my ultimate fave...KALBI! mmmm.
Overall, I am not sure if I would come back. I'm a little annoyed with the customer service. They have not once came to offer us any refill on water. We tried looking for the server to come by but never did. Finally, Justin had to pretty much go chase after one and ask for refills! This is like De Ja Vu with Elnino F.'s review on HK Star hahaha! what daaaaa haaaayylllll is going on with this whole water thing!?!!
There was nothing special about Wooche EXCEPT for the cute ass turtle in its own little habitat when you walk in the doors! Go visit him! So cute hehe!