First of all, I rented a car that got me where I needed to go in a difficult situation. For that, I am thankful and know I got what I paid for...... unfortunately what I paid for was completely unsafe. I informed when I rented that I was going to Tucson. On the way to Tucson, my seatbelt came undone and would not latch. This was late Friday night and I placed a call Saturday morning and left a voicemail. That call never got returned. Saturday afternoon, the wheel locked up while turning left at an intersection. It was pouring in Tucson all weekend, rain poured in the doorjam. Being in Tucson and knowing a call still hadn't been returned, I didn't bother to call again. Obviously they didn't care.
Drove back to town Sunday evening with no major problems other than the leaky door. I would have brought the car back this day but there was no way I was able to be there by 4pm with my obligations I was out of town for. After 4 they charge you for another day. This morning (Monday) the wheel locked up again when turning left. I called and left ANOTHER voicemail at 650 am asking for a return call. Didn't happen.
Dropped off the car at 3:55 pm and asked the owner if he had listened to my messages. He said no and started preparing paperwork. I repeated everything that had happened, he handed me my change and told me to have a nice day. I asked if this is how he runs his business..... he stated that to him it seemed like I was trying to get a discount since I had showed up 5 minutes before the cutoff. If I had really experienced these problems I would have come and swapped the car out. To be honest, I couldn't care less about the money. This was the worst customer service experience ever. Period.
My parting words were something along the lines of "hopefully someone doesn't have to sue the living heII out of you before you realize you're a conman"
I walked out, and the brown impala I had almost died in was back parked in the rental lineup.
For local, these cars probably wouldn't be a problem. If the owner had even acknowledged what had transpired and expressed some sort of empathy or apology I would never have bothered to write this ridiculously long review. But he didn't and decided to treat me like a scammer when that was the furthest thing from the truth.