Still searching for an adequate pizza shop I found Sorrento's on Bing. They had a coupon for four large pizzas for $20.00. Even if the pizza was crappy, it's still four pies for twenty dollars. The coupon also said that they offered toppings for $2.00. I ordered the special, mentioned the coupon and added pepperoni to two of the pizzas. The girl said it would be $29.97 (or something close to that) and when I asked why it was four dollars more than it should be she said the price was $24.00 not $20.00. The coupon is on their website so if they aren't responsible enough to update it then why should I have to pay more than advertised? The pizza took 66 minutes to arrive which, unless I woke up in an alternative universe where math is done differently, is a lot longer than 45 minutes. Will I order here again? If they the coupon which will probably still be up I might. I printed the page with the coupon and gave it to the driver - whether it gets to the manager or not remains to be seen. It might sound petty to quibble over four dollars but it's the principal of the matter - don't advertise (even on your own website) if you aren't going to back it up.