Be very careful and read your contract. There are lots of hidden fees. You pay one rate for a couple of months and then you're hit with an annual registration fee that you will have to pay again next year. Can't for the life of me figure out what that annual registration fee is used for other than to just hit you with more charges. Then if you ever need to change your membership, there's a $10 processing fee. Plus, a few months after I signed up, I was advised that my rates would be increased next year.
The gym is fine. Clean. This is not a pick up joint or a place for huge guys on steroids that are grunting and yelling while they're lifting weights. It's nice, quiet. But, they do not offer any classes. They have treadmills, ellipticals, circuit machines, and weights. I ended up canceling my membership because I decided I really prefer a gym that offers a variety of classes. And of course, there was a $10 processing fee for them to click a button on the computer to cancel my membership.