Coffee Bean is more expensive than other chain coffee shops, but it's kind of worth it. I mean, I probably couldn't get my coffee fix here everyday, but I like stopping in one (sometimes twice) a week for a "treat."
I pretty much stick to iced coffee, and it's really good! It's not pre-brewed iced coffee they just pour into a cup from a pitcher when you order it. I don't know exactly how they concoct it, but I know there's a little bit of a process (it almost seems like it's an Americano). Anyway, it has a creamier texture & I like that they use smaller chunks of ice.
The baristas here are all friendly and a couple of them even recognize me by name even though I'm not an every day regular.
When this place gets crowded it can get a little backed up, because besides brewed hot coffee most of the other drinks take a little time to make (I think they have a old school espresso machine...not a push button one), but again, it's worth it for the quality of the drinks.
I like Coffee Bean, and I really like this location.