| - When I find an item that fits me, i know it right away. My husband and I just got married less than two weeks ago and moved 3000 miles cross-country from Buffalo NY to Vegas. When we got into town, we had (and still have) almost nothing in the apartment (as the truck with all our belongings has not yet been delivered), so a bed was first on our list. When it comes to pricing, I'm willing to do a bit of work to find the best deal on the item that fits me best, and Mattress Firm on S Eastern in the Target plaza was the first place I went (it's three minutes from our new home). While I'm pretty secure when dealing with over-excited or pushy salesfolk, I was pleased to be greeted by polite and charming George, who was happy to let me at my leisure to lay on all of the beds. He casually mentioned necessary or helpful information pertaining to mattresses that I seemed to have interest in, but didn't mention price or even ask me about my budget. I was very happy. He told me about all of the benefits of purchasing from Mattress Firm, and tried to help me feel secure about making a purchase by mentioning their 100-days-of-happiness guarantee. I didn't feel at all rushed into mentioning my favorites, and when I did, he simply made note and didn't push prices or deals that he could give me on them...he simply gathered information and let me make my decisions. When I asked questions, he answered them with confidence and a smile. I told him that I would have to measure my room, and bring my husband by to find his favorites. He did not seem at all nervous to see me go, and did not say anything desperate or frantic to keep me in the store. Overall, I was extremely pleased with his demeanor, his helfpfulness, and his professionalism.
After work, my husband did some mattress checking on his own. He visited a rival company fifteen minutes away and met with one of their sales associates. He was pleased with some of what he saw, and asked me to visit with him.
Later that evening, I brought my husband by to check out all of the mattresses at Mattress Firm and find his favorite, without giving my own bias. It turned out that we had a mutually favorite bed, and we spent quite a bit of time coming back to it. Still, even though our interest was apparent, George's reaction was the same, and very professional. We let him know that we would have to check our apartment size in order to make any decisions.
We went together back to the other mattress company, and tried all of the beds. We found what was virtually the exact same bed--same make, same size, same line, with a different model name (as all of the mattress companies do, so you can't compare exactly. I know, also, that individual specifics do differ between companies, even if the bed seems to be the exact same one). We asked the sales associate, who was also polite and not pushy, though obviously eager, to give us her very best deal on that mattress, on paper. We asked to include tax, bed frame, delivery, box springs, etc. The works. She did. Her price was at least five hundred dollars below the price of the same deal at Mattress Firm, but George had worked well to earn my business first, so I wanted to give him a fair shot. I wasn't disappointed. I came by the next morning and was straight up--I handed him the pricing sheet from the rival company, explained that that price included mattress, box springs, bed frame, tax and delivery, and told him that I would give the business to whichever store could give us the better deal (because we had been equally happy with both mattresses--they were the same to us). He said that he would. And he did. He got on the phone with his manager, worked to get everything into the deal, found the coupons necessary to make it work, and even beat--not match, but beat--the rival price by about 70 bucks. And he made sure that the price included all the accessories included by the other company. Though I know he was nervous and a little stressed, it didn't show. He was cool and polite and laid back the entire time. Didn't try to upsell me on pillows or accessories or ask me if I wanted anything else--he simply mentioned what he had in his own home and why he purchased it and what made him happy about it. We discussed normal people things while the credit check ran, and before closing the deal, he told me when the mattress would be arriving, went over specifics to make sure that the delivery guys would be able to get it to our apartment, and mentioned that, if I was tech-saavy, it would be a great help to him if I would give my input online, which I am happy to be doing. I don't like folks whose interest is in how much they can get me to buy. I DO enjoy doing business with people who are interested in making sure I am fitted to a piece that will make me happiest, and is something that I am financially comfortable purchasing. I make an effort to promote folks who continue to earn my business. Go see George. :)