When trekking out of the NoDa area for a initial potentially romantic encounter to the Dilworth area, Ru San's is the spot for inexpensive sushi in a fun atmosphere.
The special rolls are always interesting and usually tasty for the safe and daring sushi eater alike. I had the seven samurai last night that tested my chopstick dexterity with a sticky rice wrap, but it was satisfying when I finally got it into my grill.
They have some beer (guh, Budweiser) specials that weren't bad, but I stick with wine by the bottle. A LITTLE lofty on the pricing that way, but it is standard for restaurant mark up.
Note: fun atmosphere can quickly translate into "am I old, or is it loud in here?!" when someone does a saki bomb and the chefs all bang on the stainless steel counters.
All in all, an old stand by for a cheap sushi first date.