My son started Kindergarten at EKA last fall. I had been researching schools since he was a toddler. We asked parents, visited schools, went to many orientations and researched online. We felt EKA was the best fit for our family. I love that they are project based and mix technology (every student has an iPad) with traditional (and non traditional) learning. I also like that they have longer school days and 4 day week (off Mondays). The teachers and staff have been great. My son has an IEP for speech. I mention this because of one of the negative reviews below. I have not had any issues or problems with his services. Also want to note they do have a separate resources room with specialized teachers as Heather A mentioned. Drop off and pick up can take a little getting used to (they have a valet system) but once you get the hang of it, it is not a big deal. I am so happy with our choice and looking forward to enrolling my twin girls in a few years.