| - I am no wedding expert, but these folks have a rather questionable business practices. I was in Vegas being a groomsman, one of their agents was pulling business at the Marriage Bureau at competing low price for $50 including everything, the bride fall for the deal, and then they proceeded taking you to their suite with two rooms and one being the chapel.
When we arrival at our scheduled time, their story took a 180 degree with additional hidden charges including the things like the use of their chapel, attendee's picture taking rights, since the original offer only include a minister and few pictures taken by them . I guess they figure people are blinded by love before weddings willing to be price gouged. We proceeded doing a very simple ceremony at their very simple front room with many extra clutters nearby...
After the ceremony started, the minister asked everyone's religions, which created a moment of awkwardness. The ceremony went without any Christian references. I guess the owner-lady was pissed at us for being cheapskates not falling for her money traps and assumed we are Mormons since we came from Utah. She started lecturing us on how Mormons are not Christians, and proceeded to describe true Christianity to us sounding a lot like Jehovah Witness scripts, but we did not turn it into a religious debate, since all of us just wanted to get out of there.
Their last attempt to gouge money was a large tip for the minister, and an $80 dollar fee to apply the state issued marriage license for the newlyweds. We did check at with the Marriage Bureau around the block and it only cost $15 to do so. Perhaps they should name themselves "Vegas Simply Money Gouging Wedding Chapel" instead.