There are way too many ticket machines which require no skill and attract little kids to use up all their quarters! I wish all the games gave tickets so they would actually play games besides ticket machines! A lot of machines were out of order. There were so many people in there you had to wait to get a turn on most games. This was Sat. at 4:00 p.m.-5:30. This place is just prepping young kids to throw away their money in hopes of hitting the 500 ticket pay out! Sound like Vegas to you? They serve alcohol, that's a plus! They have a few bowling lanes, and kids loved that! At least they played something. They also have a small video game room with some game system for older kids. I didn't check that out much, and have no idea how long that's been there. The food is very good here. Plan on spending a lot of money if you take a few kids here at once. It's cheaper to purchase one or two large play cards than purchasing 5 different ones. So we got two and had the teens swipe for the 10 year olds. No matter how the adults feel, this is heaven for kids!