We all love Zoo Lights. But, what good would my comments be unless I tried to offer some things that could be improved on:) Wife and I went last night (Sunday) figuring it might be fewer people. SURPRISE! The place was packed.
1. They could use a few more turn styles or maybe open up another temporary entrance when so many people are trying to get in at 6:00 pm. Maybe even a better way to organize the line (ropes?) would help when it runs way out into the parking lot. It kind of turned into a mob.
2. Pedestrian traffic should be routed one-way through narrower trails such as the Arizona Trail. Some folks had strollers as big as golf carts and in the dark people were kind of running into one another. Might even consider this on the other routes, we certainly wouldn't want to discriminate against the monster strollers.
3. Over $7 for a bag of popcorn that is too big to eat? Gimme a break, offer a smaller size for those of us not feeding ten people.
4. What's with the sorcerer of witches displayed with lights? I thought this was Christmas/holiday time. My wife was a little taken back. Maybe we are moving toward a Fantasia theme?
Yes, we had a very good time and will continue to return every year. Keep up the good work Phoenix Zoo and I know you will continue to improve on the event each year.