Something had really gone wrong here. I am not sure if it's new management or not. This was a great store. Yesterday I waited for 10 minutes while the old crusty butcher chatted with one of his friends. Three customers came and went and he never broke from his discussion. The meats I were looking for were poorly packed and full of blood. So either it was old or previously frozen. At checkout, they removed the self checkout lines, which was an asset to this store. It's actually faster due to their slow checkers. They added express lines but they were not open. What;s the point of adding express terminals if they are closed. All the customers in line were upset. Especially since it was at 6pm, dinner time. Even the kids working as checkers were not happy about the loss of the self checkout lines. I think Safeway is losing a customer today. Its a shame too, as I am a big customer. Bring back the self checkout, upgrade your checkers, add customer service and better quality to the butcher, and i may come back. Till then its off to Fry's or Albertson's.