| - As a huge nerd, it's not often that I get to see something that really blows my mind nerd-wise. I mean, short of actually looking at the Millenium Falcon, what can make your jaw drop?
The Lied Library is what.
See, the library is huge. It's modern. It has a ton of books. It's really laid-out well. Most of the people there are respectful. All cool things, sure. But amazing? No.
Enter that robo-future-awesome thing that automatically grabs books all by itself, with user command, of course (it's not Skynet just yet). It's really cool, and it launches this library to the top. They also have a few meeting rooms towards the front of the library, one of which has a screen, fed by a projector, that is touch-sensitive. It's the coolest thing, my friends.
As a student at UNLV, I spent a lot of time here. I loved it, and specially loved the student study rooms in the back that allowed you to study with a group of friends without interrupting the rest of the library. They're great.
The librarians here, some of whom I've met in classes, really know they're stuff. Not only in terms of where books are, but online resources that are available gratis to UNLV students. It's just another thing that further brings this place to the top!