| - Avoid this clinic at all costs or risk an "opinion" that you are lying, to cover up their true intention to deny card holders renewal. Their quote as I walked out, "anyone could walk in here, claim pain and get the card".
I walked out after the Chiro stated he needed to touch me and the female Chiro concurred, even though I was telling them past 5 years multiple clinics, I've never been touched just to hear me say "owe". The Chiro showed true intention stating, "if I don't examine you, then anyone could come in here claiming pain and get the card".
Yes, that's the system as a Chiro is NOT trained to catch liars, only to be a liaison to tell gov of my pain position. I'm 22 yrs army with a cyborg spine, no sadistic prodding needed, simply look at the x-ray.
Further their website says Dr. will "discuss" my position, which we did until he said he deviated from sales pitch as he stated had to touch me to check pain; that's evasive. Back then. They'll pitch "non- evasive". (See attached evidence)
The risk- Science is in my records, human opinion can be wrong when cattle prodding for an "owe" if he has a "feeling" you're lying, or the wrong color (no science can prove the real reason an opinion denies you). Their website doesn't support this abuse but Sun Valley assistant manager tried to brainwash or lie to me by stating all competitor Dr. Reviews will need to touch me, I responded, nope not a 1 but your clinic. He wouldn't listen and laughed at me, so I have the recording and will share if anyone wants it via Google drive link.
Sun Valley won't release Chiro name citing privacy, this is a hint to the in-E-quality of this clinic. They are deviating from their sales and web site pitch that they are a normal "non-evasive" Dr. review clinic.
AVOID OR RISK for being falsely labeled by human prejudicial error (discrimination) as they have proven to not like the current system being too easy in their opinion.
Update: Next day, I went to a competitor and was passed by verbal only with a smile and given wonderful new info on how to use Weed.