| - Their food brings back nostalgia of growing up and eating comfort food from recipes passed down generations ago. Everything is tasty from start to finish, from appetizer to dessert. Their meatloaf sliders are juicy, cheesy, hearty... just a really solid appetizer to warm up for the main course. And I could eat at least a dozen of their deviled eggs, simply made, but they perfect the little things like that at Dish. A very strong 1-2 lead-up to the entree.
And their entrees don't disappoint. Chicken and dumplings, meatloaf, salmon patties, really whatever you order, odds are it's going to be on point. Heaping portions that are rich enough to induce a food coma by the time you leave, but it's worth the journey. I've always had an awesome dinner at Dish, and leftovers for the morning. If you can find a parking spot in this crowded area of Plaza-Midwood, you won't regret the journey!