Was so stoked to find a Silver Mine Subs up here, having LOVED us some Silver mine in Tucson. I hate to say it, but we were so underwhelmed. The subs just didn't have the same love. The bread is still good, but the' je ne se quoi' was lacking. I used to love getting Silver mine on University or Oracle Rd. The S.O. and friend went inside to pick up the food and apparently the store staff didn't have the best attitude. I stayed in the car and noticed the outside was way dark, kind of creepy. Maybe you guys have some light bulbs burned out, please check. Anyway, the food was solid, not great. The bread was nice and fresh and the quality of everything else was ok. I added hot peppers and got like 4 slices on the whole sandwich, all of which were the stems. Gross, picked them off. I'm not in a rush to go back, I would even go as far to say that I might be able to wait til we visit Tucson.