This new centralized location for car rentals at McCarran works great. I didn't even know about it when I got to Vegas, but went thru the whole experience on this last trip.
There are even kiosks to print your boarding passes in the lobby area at no charge. Very Convenient!!!
I saw a set-up for bag check in but it wasn't manned both times when I passed by, so I'm not sure it's in operation. They do charge you if you use it though.
Every other time I rented a car in Vegas I always got lost trying to get to the Car rental return lot, because all the Car lots were in different Areas. When I returned my car on this trip, all I had to do was get on 215 from I-15 and follow the signs, it was very easy.
The best car rental experience ever 5 Stars * * * * *
Note: I like the location away from the airport better, because you don't get stuck in all the AIRPORT traffic.