I have such mixed emotions about Aldi.
Ok, here's the upside: their products are cheap, and most of them are surprisingly high-quality. I find their wares to be on about the same level as the Harris Teeter store brand, if not a little better. And by cheap, I mean pretty cheap: a bottle of grade-A maple syrup for $3.99? Individual yogurt cups for $0.35? Yes, please.
Here's the downside: well, it's Aldi. The employees are efficient and quick at the register, but you're not going to find any on the floor when you need help. Many of the other customers like to park their carts in the middle of the aisle and look around slack-jawed, as though their desired items will magically appear before them. Children tend to run around uncontrolled. I once had to ask an (adult!) couple making out in front of the freezer case to move THREE times before they scurried along. Additionally, the produce is hit or miss.
I shop at Aldi almost every week because it truly saves us a lot of money without obnoxious coupon clipping. I just my fellow Aldi shoppers exercised a little more common sense.