Waste of time. Needed an eviction filed and sent them all the paperwork. I would find out all that was needed to file the eviction was to fill out a civil cover sheet and to fill out an eviction complaint. This would have taken no more than a few minutes. Said they would call me back once she typed it up (typing up is consisting of entering names, rent amount, fees, etc.) and they would call back to get payment. No call back and no answer to multiple calls and emails. Now they closed and I can't get this filed until Tuesday. My tenants will now get an extra week because these people flaked. What a joke.
Within minutes of me posting a negative review about this firm, I get an email from Becky Pintar (the attorney I dealt with) stating my eviction didn't get filed because I never emailed her my credit card info and didn't instruct her to file it immediately (despite dialogue over the phone which contradicts that). BUT.......THE EMAIL I SENT HER I EXPLICITLY INSTRUCTED HER TO CALL ME TO GET MY CC PAYMENT. Indeed, when I stated in my review I sent multiple emails, I sent an email just to make sure she had my name and number. SHE FLAKES ON ME AND THEN LIES ABOUT IT. SHE'S SO INCOMPETENT SHE FORGOT TO GET HER LIE STRAIGHT! Someone didn't pay attention in ethics class I guess.
And on top of that, this woman really seems to think an eviction shouldn't be filed immediately. REALLY??!?!! An eviction attorney who actually thinks someone retaining her to file an eviction doesn't mind if it gets filed "unimmediately". So it may be safe to infer Becky Pintar thinks eviction clients want to give their deadbeat tenants a few more days free.....which contradicts why we started to evict them in the first place......um ok.....
Lastly, I find it amusing I send 4 emails DURING business hours and get NO REPLY, but I send a bad review on Yelp AFTERHOURS and I get an instant reply. So it may also be safe to assume only alert messages from Yelp get through her email but not other emails.
One word.......Wow.....