When you drive up to the restaurant you Kinda raise one eyebrow and wonder if it really is a good restaurant since the entrance is small. But then when you walk in you can see that it's much more spacious inside and very clean. It's a hole in the wall which is the kinda restaurants I like because it's run by people in the community and not a corporation. I love that. People who want to share their ethnic food with everyone always beats chain restaurants. One thing that I noticed was that the menu was very easy to read. The food was very delicious and had the right amount of spice and authenticity to it. The people in the restaurant were very friendly and it was a great lunch break for me between running errands.
So I say ditch your routine or comfort restaurants and take a chance to taste some Turkish food. It will help you explore and become one step closer to being Anthony Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern.