This review is specifically for the Aladdin's on McKnight Rd.
One day I ordered all this stuff. I was really pumped to get it and I live far away from the place. Of course they're not going to deliver it so I drive all the way out there. Again, in my excitement I pick up the stuff and put it in my car. I'm trying to hurry home and it eat it, mainly because I'm excited. And the person I'm with is excited too. We both were - because we know how good Aladdin's can be.
And then we got home.
And there was like one piece of meat all crumpled up like someone stuffed it in there without a second thought. C'mon man. I'm not a 75 lb. child. I need something larger than the size of one golf ball. And what about our other food? It was dry like sand and not worth eating. NOT THE STUFF I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO.
In the end, my excitement was all for naught. I wasted all that time driving to this place that prides itself on being called an eatery. Pick up a Pez dispenser or some tic-tacs, you'll get more of a meal out of them than a beef kabibby from this joint.