I was meeting up with a friend who proudly tried a recipe from a cookbook called "Natural Harvest". Somehow looking up "Jesus jizz" on Reddit (that yielded to no result) got us so hungry and thirsty.
Strawberry Banana Chocolate Smoothie:
I got this with boba. This is one of my favorite flavor combos. Equal parts of delicious strawberry, chocolate and banana. The black balls were soft in the mouth. Mmmm... 4/5
Thai Milk Tea:
As if a big cup of smoothie wasn't enough, I also had to try the Thai tea boba milk tea - I love this stuff. This was a bit too sweet though. 3/5
Pork and Cabbage Dumplings:
You can either get 8pcs or 14pcs. Make your own dipping sauce. I'll give the sauce I made 5 stars (self love). The dumplings were a bit doughy but it has lots of hot steamy juices so it's understandable. The filling was tasty. 3/5
Beef Noodle Soup:
The noodles were thick like chow mein...maybe, it WAS chow mein. They're a bit generous with the beef chunks and chopped Chinese cabbage. This reminds me more of Filipino beef mami than the mildly spicy Chinese/Taiwanese beef noodle soup. If this was sold to me as beef mami then I'd give it 4 stars but since it's beef noodle soup...2/5
Usually, the restaurants in this strip mall are packed. This one was pretty dead the entire 4-5 hours we were there.