I was very hungry and decided to try this place for lunch. I have been to Hardees in the USA, but never Carl's Jr., same thing so whatever. As I walk in two ladies looking at the menu decide to go to A&W instead. There you go Yelp, women are smarter than men.
I got the classic thickburger combo. The fries were alright and they do give you a lot. I am though noticing a trend with places like this and Five Guys to give a lot of fries to mask over their average burgers.
As for the thickburger it was pretty awful. The burger patty was dry and tasted like a frozen PC patty. There was far too much mayo which had my burger sliding out of the bun.
The reason I rate this place so low is how the burger made me feel after. I felt terrible and was sluggish for the rest of the day.