Two words: White Rabbit
Yes the nectar of the drunken gods, White Rabbit is amazing! Part Horchata, part Godiva white chocolate liquor part goodness!! lol, the Side bar's White Rabbit is the best damned drink I've had in a LONG time!! Throughout my night at sidebar, i've tried as many drinks as I could - I had several White Rabbit, the Psychadellic cocktail which is made with absinthe that was also very good, the cenphopolitian which is a close 2nd place and the mulberry whisky.
These are REAL drinks, made with real skill. Every one of them was good and that's not just the booze talkin'! I wish they had more of an appetizer menu, i mean come on... heat up a toaster oven and let's get crackin'! but one good thing on the food front - they turn a blind eye when ppl bring in their Pei Wei... So that's good! :)
The bathrooms are dark but also pretty and they have mints(!) in a lil bowl I almost knocked over twice while trying to figure out the intracaticies of my outfit. They also have an uber chic decor that is nice but not so mod that its alienating, but I must admit I'm a lil scared of their bar stools. lol