After seeing Paul put his review up...I had to join in! This venue is almost perfect in design and the acoustics are amazing. I love outdoor concerts and yet the amphitheater gives you a club feel while being outside.
That being my review of the will see that catching a buzz will require a credit card or a well hidden flask (leave your bongs at home). The whole Music Factory complex begs for a keg party straight out of high school to explode in the parking lot. Wait...what? Oh...that's right...we DO tailgate before shows. Ten dollars can get you a 12 pack of PBR and a sammy...or one 24 ounce beer inside...and that's without a tip. My tip? Lower your freakin drink prices!
Like others have said though...this place is great and they're attracting better and more obscure acts all the time. I'm just happy to have some reputable venues around.