This Angles is probably one of the fanciest I've been in. I really love the interior because of how classy it looks; it has a real spa-like feel to it.
There's one thing that makes me not want to return to this place anytime soon; the snooty, hoity-toity feel of the place. It might be because of how nice the inside is, but I get a really uncomfortable, unwelcoming vibe from this Angles.
Just because I feel uncomfortable doesn't change the fact that the stylists are all exceptionally skilled and give quite a nice hair cut. So nice, in fact, that they can charge a somewhat ridiculous amount. Now, I'm not one to want to spend too much on my hair, but I know a lot of people do to extreme lengths for their hair. If you're one of those people, then this place probably isn't too expensive for you.
I can't complain about the quality of cut I received. The only thing I can complain about is the not-so-friendly staff and uptight atmosphere. It's too awkward for me.