| - Where to begin to do justice to this experience. The University of Wisconsin Memorial Union Rathskeller. For those of you not familiar with German-American culture, a "rathskeller" is German for what essentially amounts to a Bavarian-style restaurant and/or tavern featuring lots of beer and often located in a basement or subterranean area of some sort. The UW's Rathskeller loosely fits this description except in that its located on the main floor of the University's Union. This is the defining common leisure space of the entire university community, and - along with Paul Bunyan and the Green Bay Packers - one of the most fabled wonders in Wisconsin lore. Many cherished bonds are formed here as young and old, students and alumni, congregate day and night to share beer and laughs and to relax in the warm rusticated embrace of this great building. For me, the place holds many of my most precious memories. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I would often sit here for hours on end - all day sometimes - studying, snacking, drinking, playing cards, meeting and greeting friends who would pass through or likewise camp out for hours just to sit and chat on blustery winter days, because everyone did it. This was my home away from home; a feeling I've never really known for any other place. And if you've ever visited or attended school at the UW, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I hope you are smiling right now, recalling your own wistful memories.