| - So, first, the good.
The coffee. Is. GOOD. On par with Victory on Atwood, my very favorite in town. Anodyne, first time I've had it, and I ordered it pourover, Ethiopian. Really, really, really good. You can choose any of the beans they have, not just the daily choices, so that's cool.
The signage. They've probably used someone like Planet Propaganda to design their logo and corporate ID, and it's good.
And now, the rest.
$5.00 for a Chemex brew? That's nuts. At Victory it's in the $3 range. A pourover here is $2.75, also a bit high. They list 'creative add ins' for your coffee, and they want .65 to add honey. What?? There's honey on the homey, heavy wood
Sideboard stand.
behind you to add in, for free. In a big squeeze bottle, with one inch of hardened honey in the bottom. Good luck getting that out. There's also one stainless steel dispenser, unlabeled, which you assume is cream. It has about a teaspoon of liquid in it. You pour it in, and when you give them the container to refill, they tell you it was skim milk. Ugh. They insist that it *is* labeled. You look again, and sure enough, once upon a time, someone wrote 'skim' on it, in Sharpie, which is 90% scratched off now.
The place was pretty full on a Saturday morning (11/1/14). No table seating was available. Much has been made of their fireplace, which has exactly one chair next to it. With a big hole ripped in the arm. That was the only seat, so I took it.
None visible. Wifi requires a password, which is not apparent until you try to log in. Another patron supplied it to me.
Harried, unsmiling, no greeting. The staff seems stressed and unhappy. I just don't see why it's so hard to look up, say hi, and smile when a customer comes through the door. You need to set the mood, welcome and acknowledge people, then the wait isn't such a big deal. Their go-to move seems to be to apologize once someone finally reaches the counter. They apologized to everyone.
Not so good. Borderline grimy. The self service containers, dispensers, floors. The armchair next to me has spilled coffee that has dripped down and dried all over the side. Ugh. The massively bearded dude making the food behind the counter wore gloves, occasionally.
I'll try them again in the evening sometime for music and wine. I have a feeling that's where their heart lies, and that's cool. I wouldn't go out of my way to come here for coffee or food again, although the coffee was well prepared. That's the best thing I can say. I hovered between two and three stars, but the coffee decided it. Everything else honestly needs help.