| - Aw the show memories. Extreme Thing indeed brought back the memories of being 16 years old, wearing grunge clothing that was way too big for me, and moshing until I had bruises. Honestly the only main changes were the lack of clothing, and the change in music. The closest thing you got to a Dub Step stage back then was Crystal Method. Now, you have raver girls on stage with the same wig, Go-Going to some hiphop/punk-rock/dub-step mix, with a mosh pit??? Yes this really happened.
The strong smell of weed, beer, and BO was the same, but the people have changed quite a bit. It was strange watching kids half my age talk about how hard core they are. Inside I don't feel that old, so I am laughing. Most likely they are laughing right back at me.
Back when it was OBC (Our Big Concert), there still were multiple stages but not as many bands. I think there were at least 30!
It was hard to get a schedule or know exactly what to look for. It would have actually worked out better in a bigger location. I was shocked at how crowded things were.
Most vendor lines moved quick. You had options from clothing brands, to deep fried Oreos. The wrestling was pointless. Didn't attract a huge crowd and people seemed more interested in the battle of the bands. Locals supporting locals. Love that.
The BMX was cool because you could see it from anywhere, so you could be eating a hotdog and then BOOM, backflip before your eyes.
The no re-entry may be a stupid rule, but I actually agree. You have 75% of people attending under the age of 21. If they were allowed to leave and come back, there would be a much higher drug, alcohol, and overdose rate. We left around 8pm, and seen someone who could not walk on her own. She was on an ambulance within moments.
As a parent, your crazy if you let a kid under the age of 16 go to this. If you are a curious parent, spend an hour here, and you will learn way more than you ever hoped for. Promise.
Thanks Yelp Las Vegas and Drew-boo for the tix. Even if I was too old, I still rocked it like I wasn't!