| - Went into this store to purchase a new phone. Was given a salesperson right away, the sales person was young with no personality. I asked for the difference between 2 models and he told me the camera takes better video. Anything else? Asked and he said no.... sad at this point its obvious customer knows more the he does. The phone I was purchasing had less ram, different screen, different camera different unlock method than the other model. Luckily, I had my mind previously made up so asked for my phone. He handed me a sealed box and told me when I leave the store all I have to do is turn the phone on and restore my backup and I'm all set. He performed this task very well cause he was able to match up color and storage and gave me the right model. Well turns out thats where the good times ended, the phone crashed within 10 min and needed restored. 3 hours on the phone with Apple support so I could have a working phone. Too bad most of my backup was not compatible because it was not encrypted. They also asked why I didn't have the store transfer it. Well it wasn't an option I told them. They explained how it works but, it was too late cause I traded in my old phone. So now I'm 2 weeks in and still trying to recover passwords and things that didn't get saved because of an employee laziness.
My advise is never shop this store, the guy in the middle of the mall will treat you better! Employees like this are a direct reflection of poor management. Don't expect Apples 800 number to help, they will promise to call in a few days, then call the wrong number, then send an email for a number and time. You give them both and they again call the wrong number at the wrong time. You'd think 3rd times a charm? Nope, right number but, they don't understand time. Must not be taught in the introductory to english class they give. Anyways long and short I wasted $900 on a phone that has potential but, I'd have to bribe someone to show me how transfer info and most stuff from my previous phones is gone forever.
Now that I'm thinking about it save your money and buy a Samsung or Moto. Did I mention that comes from a person that has only had Iphones since 2011?