My group had a very unfortunate experience. We were a group of four that were paired with another group of four. I understand why the company pairs groups up as this gives them the most opportunity to make money. However, we were paired up with a group of four that consisted of three children under the age of 12. And one of those said children (possibly all three of them) was farting throughout our escape. These were some real silent killers I might add. These children brought nothing to the table and just got in the way. Every time a door or lock was opened they had to go in first or stick their sticky fingers in or else they would throw a fit. They really put a damper on my family's experience. I think some age restrictions need to be enforced, as this really isn't a game for children.
If I come back I will be sure to bring a larger group in order for us not to be paired with another. At least then if I'm caught in a fart cloud I will have the reassurance that it was a family member that dealt it.