| - I know these people. I've been here before. The waitresses stuffed into the authentic Eastern European dresses, the old timers shuffling to the oom-pah-pah tunes orchestrated by the tired and weathered accordion playing Polish DJ. The scenery is familiar too. The wood paneling, the scenic murals of a far away world printed on the walls, the families joined around the tables for a night of indulgence. The aroma's lofting through the dining room consisted primarily of meat and fermented cabbage; and in the distance, freshly percolated coffee. The smells. They are all familiar. I felt at home.
While I can't claim heritage to the Eastern European influence that Frank Sterle's Slovenian Country House represents, I'm familiar. There's always been a large population in NE Ohio. I'm familiar with the cuisine. I've been to many parties and gatherings in my time that felt exactly like the scene created that night at Sterle's. It was comforting.
For dinner, we opted for the Family Style #1: Chicken Noodle Soup, Salad, Bread, Wienerschnitzel, Roast Pork, Sausage, Vegetables, Potatoes, Sauerkraut, Coffee and Strudel. All for less scratch than a single entrée at the Olive Garden would run you. And with more culture too.
There aren't many places quite like Sterle's around anymore. This place reeks of ethnicity, nostalgia and soul. As long as Sterle's is around, Cleveland is a better place.