| - Where do I begin - this place defines amazing...
I guess I'll start with the single disappointment - the limo rides are not offered on fight weekends, so just be aware that you may or not get to arrive in a limo if it is a busy event weekend.
Now on to the food!
My friend and I both chose the tasting menu. (How could you pick anything else, right?)
They started out by bringing the bread cart around. As everyone else has mentioned... this cart is a sight to behold! bread, and more bread! Be sure to get the brioche and the bacon bread. All of them are winners... but those two are particular stand outs.
The dinner then moved to the variety of courses. Our favorites:
Le Caviar (Caviar done three ways)
La Courgette (Slowly cooked zucchini with fresh almonds, bacon and curry)
Le Veau (Sautéed veal chop with natural jus and pesto vegetable taglierinis)
La Mangue (Layered mango variations, strawberry gelee, almond cake) - This was the best dessert I've ever had in my life!
Plus many other dishes. The only dish that I had serious difficulty with was the "chaud-froid" of sea urchin on fennel potato puree with anise orange. The texture was just awful.
At the end of the dinner, they then bring around the tray of escortes de mignardises (mini desserts) WOW. Be sure to ask the waiter or waitress for their favorites. They did a great job steering us away from a few of the prettier but less tasty ones. The pear jelly was simply divine, and apparently has to be made throughout the night since it won't even last for an entire dinner shift.
They will ask you if you want tea - SAY YES. This isn't just loose leaf tea. They bring an entire rack of fresh herbs to the table, and proceed to cut and then emaciate the herbs and make utterly fresh tea. I had the lemon basil tea - crazy good! You might wonder - is this included in the main tasting menu? Yes, yes it is. Unlike the water ($10/bottle) tea is included.
In short - this is a great place to go for a special occasion. It's a bit of a crazy cost, but it's worth every penny!