| - For the most part, Steele Creek Animal Hospital has been fine, although pricier than any other vet I've been to. However, after a couple of bad experiences, I won't be going back. My dog was forgotten about once while there - I dropped him off for shots and made arrangments to pick him up at noon. When I called to confirm he was ready, they didn't know who my dog was, what he was - there for and of course, he wasn't ready for pick up. And then a shot was forgotten - so I had to take him back at a different time. Most recently, while having his annual check up, I informed them that he had a bout of diarrhea and wasn't drinking water - I was told that "it's hard to tell what he might have picked up while you were out walking" and "he'll drink water when he's ready." The dog hasn't had water in more than 24 hours and is not acting like himself, very lethargic. I don't feel like my concerns were adequately addressed. Furthermore, during the exam, my dog yelped twice - once during the most agressive rectal exam I've ever seen and once when his hip was pushed on hard enough to make me scream. I'm not a happy customer and my dog is still acting sick - so I just paid almost $300 to find out nothing. Not worth it - take your pets to a vet that's in it for the animals and not just the money.