Living downtown in a "transitional" neighborhood has its challenges. Last night I was walking my dog in Huntridge Circle Park (somewhat of a mecca for the homeless) and unwisely allowed him to run free -- and of course he immediately ran into the bushes and proceeded to roll around in a pile of poop. Now, I'd like to think that it was DOG poop...but the unpleasant reality is that homeless people have been caught on camera pooping in this park, even though there's a public restroom right there.
Either way, thankfully we have this AWESOME dog groomer right around the corner on Charleston & 15th, and I took him in for a bath first thing in the morning. I've been using Lucky's for a couple years, and they are a super-friendly, super affordable family-run business that always does a great job...for cheap!
I can't say enough good things about Lucky's! If you live downtown, check it out for sure. And also beware of homeless turds!