This was only the second time I ever ventured into a totally vegan restaurant. I looked at some of the folks there and realized I must not have been starving due to my larger frame compared to the rail thin people that were in the restaurant at the time. My gf had suggested upon my return to Toronto that we try this place out as a venture towards more natural foods, as opposed to the processed crap we as a society are usually used to.
Anyway I tried the Pad Thai which was somewhat of a venture. It just seemed like a lot of sauce and a mish mash of noodles and veggies. It kind of left me with a bit of heartburn in the end. My gf had tried the tacos which were tastier than my pad thai and was not dripping in sauce. The dessert were a key-lime tart (me) and chocolate banana cheesecake. When they mean tart, they do mean tart. I wasn't a big fan. But the cheesecake was deelish and definitely would have that again.
Venturing on the vegan side is a change from the burger joint and definitely I could see myself doing on a more regular basis. But I'll stay away for a while and try again another time in the future.