| - Right by the Charlevoix metro stop and we pass this place all the time. Decided to give it a try on a snowy night, which may have been a bad idea. It was cold. We were back in a corner, ignored for large stretches, and cold in full sweaters, thermals, etc. Eventually we skipped desert just to go get our coats!
Most of the food was good to really good. Escargot was a hit, bread came to the table warm, they brought a couple of surprise little pieces that were each delightful. We were psyched for our main dishes and that's where it went a bit downhill. We both ordered pasta (half the small menu is pasta so figured that was a speciality) and were both disappointed. Great interesting sauces, perfect shrimp on the wife's dish etc, but the pasta itself on both was bland, doughy and stick in the teeth chewy, making it feel like a giant rock in the stomach.
Maybe an off day? Will update if we drop in again.