| - Not to be cliche, but there is not a bad seat in the stadium. Yes, there are some worse than others, but every place I've sat for football games, soccer matches, concerts, etc., I have never had a bad viewing experience.
Entering a stadium is always tedious with long lines, and this year BoA stadium started using full body metal detectors as opposed to only using wands. Definitely going to create a longer process, but a great price to pay for the added security. Once in the stadium, everything is clearly marked. There are ramps and escalators to take you to upper levels, as well as elevators if you are handicapped or have special needs.
Concessions are priced as usual, an arms and a leg, but the stands all have televisions that list the menu, and I suppose can be changed if something is "86'd". Also this year the stadium stopped serving domestic drafts and changed everything outside of local craft beers to 16-oz bottles in order to reduce liquid waste. One problem I noticed during my last visit was a glaring lack of recycling containers. If we're worried about wasting alcohol in draft form, we should me more worried about wasting these bottles by sending them to the dump as opposed to having the option to recycle.
Leaving the stadium can be a headache, but the wide thoroughfares do a great job of facilitating the volume of people. Definitely a great place to watch any sort of event.