| - Never Again! worst mani/pedi I have ever had!! Waste of money, even for a groupon. I'm not going into all of the details, read other reviews, but my experience was very similar. Wanted to walk out as soon as I got there. Wish I would have. They were 30 min late opening the store, so I stood outside and waited.Also, a spa pedicure, is not sitting in a folding chair soaking your feet in a tub of scolding hot water. The old woman doing the pedicure filed my toenails right down to the skin, and keep filing them, till i told her to stop, she was hurting me. They are uneven, and actually painful. I hope I don't get an infection. The gel nails are bubbling and peeling the next day. I was there 2 and a half hours, and the whole time I was there, I was wishing it was over. You could not pay me to go back!!!