| - I'm so tired of cox cable, I don't even wants to want to uppercase the first letter of their name. I'm on my second box and I still can't get the cable to stop flipping out. I can call and they will tell me that they can send someone out but it will be between 8 in the morning and 8 at night except on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and forget having someone come out on the weekends. They will however charge me for the trip. They won't fix anything, but they will charge me just the same. I think I might ask for a job there. I think getting payed to not fix anything sounds like my kind of occupation.
My favorite thing about cox, is that there is no where else for me to go. I don't want dish or direct. Century link is out. Really anything with a two year contract is out. That leaves me with cox or stick antenna to my ass and run down the street screaming something weird. I don't know, I go a little nuts when my cable goes on the fritz. I guess that's how direct tv came up with their new commercial. Some weird dude staying up late at night Yelping about how much they hate their cable company because their cable just went out and they can't watch a rerun of Big Bang theory, the same episod that was on a week ago but because marijuana is nearly legal, forgot to DVR it. I'm not saying that I do that stuff, (because I don't)! I'm just saying, that's how direct tv came up with their commercial.
Ok my cable is still out so I going to bed, still hating cable though but I feel better about it now that I got it off my chest. So thank you Yelp for giving me this opportunity to vent. But please, if someone sees anyone that works for cox, I think the knock out game is still in effect. 10 points. Okay, just kidding. I don't want you to go out and hurt anyone. Maybe just poke him in the eye so it waters and he'll feel how I feel when my cable goes out forcing me to barbarically YELP!!