| - I cannot begin to express how poorly I think of Corporate Office Centers. As the reviewer before me stated, the location is ideal and the offices are lovely, but the customer service is atrocious. I had a one-year lease in the office with a number of challenges throughout my term. Unfortunately, my requests for assistance fell on deaf ears. The staff is trained to make money, NOT to help tenants. Below are some examples:
Shortly after I moved into the office, I was told that I could not use my AirPort to connect my Mac to my printer and make a wireless environment. That meant that I had to run wires across the office and inconvenience my clients when they visited the office. Apparently, had I paid an additional fee, I could have used my AirPort, which is NOT a router, as specified in my contract and verbally.
Then, when faced with personal and professional financial challenges, I approached the management about moving to a virtual office or finding another solution so I would not have to endure continued financial hardship. Again, I was flatly denied the option to even discuss the situation.
Finally, after ending my lease, I was BILLED! The management requires a substantial deposit, yet I was billed for mail forwarding and cleaning. I had less than $3 worth of mail forwarded to me because I picked up the other pieces. I also never used or publicized the number provided by Corporate Office Centers, as I just forwarded my own number. Therefore, my COC number was not used, even though I still received a $375 fee. And cleaning a 125-square-foot office for $325? I have had my entire 1,300-square-foot home professionally cleaned for little more than that. That amount is ridiculous, especially since I cleaned all surfaces before vacating.
I will vehemently discourage others from using Corporate Office Centers as they are a complete rip-off. I have heard this tale of woe from others who were lured in and are now stuck. If you need an office space, do yourself a favor and avoid COC. It will only cost you if you go this route.