Who would think that a farm like this is possible in Las Vegas? Well it does and I'm happy that it does. Such a fun time going to pick your own fruits and veggies. My first time here and right away I see how this isn't a hidden secret. People parked in the parking lot and all down the sides of the road. When you walk in most of the item are behind the check out or to the right. They have a tractor that takes you around the property if you don't want to walk. I suggest bringing your own bags but they have some there to buy if you need and a cart you can use to place your items in and walk around. There is a stand making home made doughnuts that are amazing and go well with Apple cider. Their website tells you what products are available on a weekly basis and you can sign up for email messages. The only downfall for me is I live clear across the valley but it's worth a trip from time to time.