During our most recent stay, 10-22-2010 bedding was not changed out when we turned down for the night. Long Black hairs found thru-out our sheets. Called downstairs to get housekeeping to change bedding, they sent a Maintenance man, WE ARE TOLD BY HIM,NO HOUSEKEEPING STAFF @ NIGHT ??? The MAN DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SIZE BED WE HAD TO CHANGE THE LINENS."IS THAT A TWIN OR QUEEN HESTATED" NO- SORRY KING SIZE.New sheets brought up and handed to us. Had to change bed ourselves.The front desk stated no other rooms available @ which point I started looking for new accomodations. The only thing the staff @ Front desk could offer was a 25.00 credit.
Can't wait to post reviews on the internet about this one !
I'm sorry , but this WILL BE THE LAST STAY AT AN EMBASSY SUITES FACILITY IN LAS VEGAS. My wife wouldn't allow me to leave at 11:30pm / midnight on a Friday night to get another hotel. I feel as if nobody cared and nobody offered any help in this matter. $25.00 refund was a joke, and makes me think about dropping HONORS program and possibly close my account, and discuss this with my Hilton American Express Card also. I certainly would love to hear from THE hotel manager for that facility and wonder why if your hotel is booked 100% , why a housekeeping staff member wasn't on the premises ? Especially at 100% occupancy ?