I had my eye on this place ever since I got to Vegas this past week, but just never had the chance to go. So it must have been fate that I would end up next to it the moment I was also leaving Vegas. I was confused at first if it was the actual Bouchon bakery because I was expecting it to be in a typical bakery store setting. This little bakery is located right next to the elevators that take you to self parking in the Venetian Hotel. Who would have known right? I must have walked by it a dozen times without realizing it was the actual Bouchon.
Seeing that I hadn't had breakfast yet, I eyed all the croissant, but ended up choosing the chcolate almond croissant. Two of my favorites combined into one flaky sweet pastry. It had both the almond and chocolate filling inside. So good!!!
I also ordered 2 macarons- sea salt caramel and their seasonal earl grey. They were huge! Crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside. These were definitely tasty treats to have for the plane ride back home.