I like how people hear new social terms then tend to misuse them and make false categorizations.
This place is not a puppy mill, it's a damn puppy store. Twenty years ago, stores like these and owners like Paul bring smiles to families and children...then here comes YouTube and an few animal extremists...sprinkle in the term 'puppy mill'...and bam, you have people (or better yet, mindless sheep) ruining it for others.
I see nothing wrong with what Puppy Boutique or its employees do. Every time we've been there, they have tended to and taken care of their puppies accordingly. I see them doing regular cleanups and housekeeping with their puppies. They've also been very informative and don't pressure sale you.
Have concerns about the pureness of a breed? Ask them or let them know you only want an AKC registered pup. We did with our Rottie and that's what we got. Concerns over where they're getting their pups from? Ask them for the breeder's name. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
It's a @$%#% pet store for crying out loud. Don't like seeing puppies in a glass display? Then go pick up a puppy book to fancy your sensitivities.
By the way, Paul and co., Roxy is doing good and she's very smart and healthy. She still has a little bit of puppy stubbornness, but like you said, her aggression has gone away. She's a little bit of a softie and a scaredy cat now. We promise to bring her in once she's got her 5 month shots. Take care and thanks for giving us a wonderful family member!