| - Trader Joe's, they're a welcomed sight anywhere. Why? Quality goods, affordable prices, clean aisles, friendly staff, and just all around pleasant shopping.
No surprise here, but this store doesn't break that mold at all and contains all the things you love about TJ's. The aisles here are clean, the staff friendly, easy to find quality produce, snacks, beverages, and food all under one roof. Build your own six pack of beer, or just grab single cans. What's not to like?
This location is convenient since it's right off Shea which is great for fairly direct freeway access especially for us out of towners coming in or leaving, additionally it is located in a shopping center that shares a Brewery Restaurant, Whole Foods, and is also across the street from another shopping center with more restaurants and stores. In other words, you can make a day out of it. Downside is that it can get busy so again, first world parking lot problems can ensue.
With all things said though, it sure is nice having another Trader Joe's in the area. I was happy that I could pick up some supplies before the drive back to CA.