This is a great facility with many different options for shooting and competitive shooting. We always stick with the rifle range and usually bring the AR, a couple handguns and a long rifle. You can set your targets as close as 11 yard or as far as 200 yards on the rifle range. They do have 300 yard metal targets you can shoot at however you cannot put your own target out that far. The reason I gave 3 stars is not for the facility, but for the cocky and arrogant range staff. Actually, most are pretty cool but there are 2 in particular who can ruin your experience in a big hurry. The one is a female with a pony tail. Imagine your worst grade school teacher times 10. She treats people like children and is very condescending. The other is an older gentleman with glasses who is as rude as they come. He'll purposely eff with you and last time he almost pushed me over the edge. I'll still return because it's close to my house but I always have my fingers crossed that neither of these individuals are working that day! Happy shooting!