Everytime I go to this place I wonder why. Why do I pay for the VIP wash when they do no more than what you get for the basic? I went this last weekend and my SUV literally went from vacuum to wash to interior in less than 10 minutes.
Yes, you'd think that would be a good thing. But there were literally 3 cars ahead of mine in the row it was in. This place is based on pushing cars through, NOT cleaning them.
They did nothing more than smear their cheap version of armor-all on the tires and wash the windows. This is VIP? What a joke. I told the attendant (who actually spoke english!) to run it through again, this was pathetic, but he said, no I'll clean it, and he took a dirty rag out of the back of his shorts (he might as well have used his tighty-whities, they'd be cleaner) and started rubbing down the console and such.
Yeah, that's what I want. Danny, you should be ashamed to put your name on this joke of a car wash. And I should be double ashamed to have run my car through this place repeatedly over the years. What am I thinking? I'm an idiot. Never again.