If there were a lower rating, this place should get it. I paid for 3 entrees. Cheap Ingedients =CHEAP FOOD. The falaffel was not the yummy fried ball I am used to. Instead, it resembled a low grade crude muffin. The hummus was white and runny and again, made of inferior ingredients. It should have tahini, lemon juice, and olive oil. It seemed to be made of crap. The place spent no time on salads, just a crudely cut cucumber and radish. The chicken was not roasted..instead it seemed to be a flaccid steamed version...tasteless. The gyro meat was ok..but I saw no roasting spit so assume it was frozen food.. Middle Eastern people NEVER use Serrano peppers. The owner wanted to give me some Sera chi sauce which I refused. The ingredients are cheap and the food is an insult to any person from the Middle East. I got Ripped Off and they laughed all the way to the bank.